For decades, Spannocchia has been a gathering place for many: Etruscan scholars and archaeologists, architecture and building restoration students, young farmers and environmentalists, aspiring butchers and thoughtful food producers, travelers who appreciate being off the beaten path, local and far-reaching friends and family. The experience of visiting Spannocchia or living there for a short time tends to leave people with a sense of belonging into an extended Spannocchia family, or community, that spans the globe.
A large part of what we do at Spannocchia is intended to encourage connection and community—serving family-style meals in the dining room, encouraging program groups to share the work they have done with residents and other guests, and offering interactive classes and tours. The very fact that the Cinelli-Stratton family opens their magical property to the public for these purposes speaks to the core desire to create community. We also have an ever-growing network of alumni who connect outside of Spannocchia for personal and professional reasons, and intern groups that stay in touch years after their time on the farm—community. Many intern alumni, program groups, and agriturismo guests come back again and again, not just because they enjoy Spannocchia, but thanks to their meaningful relationships with residents, which deepen with every visit—community. A very personal example of this: seven years after I was intern, Randall joined my family and friends in Massachusetts to celebrate my marriage, and I am certain ours was one of many alumni weddings he attended (Francesca, Daniela, and Riccio were of course invited too, but not able to make the trip!)—community. And these are just a few ways Spannocchia exhibits community; I’m sure each of you who reads this has your own experience or memory related to Spannocchia when you think of the concept of community.
In a broader sense too, this importance of community is relevant to every other value else Spannocchia embraces. Our opportunities for unique, hands-on education are based on our community of staff, residents, and guests interacting together to both impart knowledge and give purpose to the hard labor. Why even sustain a beautiful, historic property if not to share it with others? And you cannot fight climate change in a bubble; community and teamwork are crucial to successful innovations and shifts that are needed to make a difference on both a small and global scale. Lastly, we can’t overlook the strong cultural tradition of sharing and appreciating food and drink—we produce our wine, olive oil, vegetables, and meat to honor culinary traditions and, as part of this, to be enjoyed together in community. I first learned the word conviviality during my internship at Spannocchia, and it will always make me think of this special place—it embodies all that Spannocchia is, and in many ways goes hand in hand with a sense of community.
It’s no coincidence then, that we are highlighting the importance of community to launch the year, and as we invite you all to join us online on January 16th for a special anniversary year kick-off event. In community, we’ll tell stories about Spannocchia, highlight upcoming monthly events and themes, reveal new branded goods, share a favorite recipe, and toast to the history and future of Spannocchia! Cin cin (cheers!) to the wonderful Spannocchia community!

Sarah Allenby
Executive Director, Friends of Spannocchia